Women sitting in bed unhappy
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Want to Know How to Get Out of Bed in the Mornings When You Really Don’t Want to? — 13 ways to help

Priya Patel


Need motivation to get out of bed?

If you want to know how to get out of bed in the morning when you really don’t want to odds are you are experiencing feelings of depression to some extent.

Whether it’s feeling depressed, needing to find motivation to get out of bed and workout, or you feel you have no reason to get out of bed at all, here’s 13 ways that will help.

You have to understand that when it comes to motivation you have to create it yourself.

It is not something that you wait to be hit with like so many believe.

The feeling of motivation is a by-product of doing things.

Here’s 13 tips to kick-start those feelings of motivation that’ll get you out of bed and moving.

1. Count to 5 and sit up with your feet out

By counting to 5 you are distracting your brain from making excuses and convincing you to stay in bed.

Once you count down from 5, take a deep breath and put your feet out.

By doing so you’ve already started the process of getting out of bed and less likely to get back under the duvet.

2. Pull back the curtains

If you need motivation to get out of bed a simple way is to just pull back your curtains or open up your blinds.

Window with curtains open.
Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

A ray of sunshine can boost your mood.

If its a miserable day in winter open the window.

The cold and rainy air can be just what you need to shock you out of bed.

Fresh air is your friend.

Allow the fresh oxygen and light to flow through the room and boost your mental and physical health.

It can be just enough to get you out of bed and moving.

3. Accomplish something small

Messy unmade bed.
Photo by Ksenia Chernaya from Pexels

If you want to know how to get out of bed in the morning when you don’t want to start by accomplishing something small.

Ever watch YouTube morning routines?

You’ll notice in almost all of them one of the first few things a vlogger will do is make their bed.

Why do you think that is?

They do this because already from the get-go they have accomplished something.

As a result, they have that feel-good feeling of accomplishment.

It’s fuel to kick start their day.

Members of the Navy Seals highly recommended it.

Always make your bed anyway and it hasn’t provided you with any motivational feelings?

If you still need motivation to get out of bed how about spending 5 minutes on a few stretches to get the blood flowing?

Or, how about tidying up your room?

No, I don’t mean do a deep clean.

For instance, pick up the clothes from the floor, throw out any rubbish, and clear any clutter around your desk.

By doing so you’ve accomplished something and you’ve given yourself more space.

You have removed some physical and mental stressors.

Something that does wonders for your mental health.

Think of something small that constantly needs doing and work it into your morning routine.

Then motivation to get out of bed will soon follow.

4. If you need motivation to get out of bed write down 5 things you are grateful for

Notebook with flowers one side and pen on the other.
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

What you are grateful for?

If you need motivation to get out of bed chances are you are struggling with depressive and negative thoughts.

Thoughts that are keeping you from living your best life.

Instead of focusing on what you feel is wrong with your life focus on what’s good.

Invest in a journal or a simple writing pad.

Write down 5 things that you are grateful for.

These 5 things do not need to be something big but can be something small.

Start writing these things down so you remember all the good things in your life you are lucky to have.

Things you’ve been taking for granted all this time.

For instance, this could be being grateful to the family members in your life or a close friend.

What about your health?

If you are fortunate to not have yet suffered any serious health issues write it down and appreciate it.

How about having a roof over your head?

Or even having your freedom?

It might sound daft but not everyone has these things in their life.

Writing it down helps you remember and feel happy that you are fortunate to have these things others perhaps don’t.

As a result, feelings of joy and happiness will be nurtured and boosted as will your motivation to get out of bed.

5. Need motivation to get out of bed?- Then create it

If you need motivation to get out of bed then create that motivation…

This article was initially posted on my blog. To continue to read on click here.



Priya Patel

Follow me I follow back!| Writer on Personal Growth, Self-Improvement, Health, any topic that helps people live a content life. My blog is morehelpfulinfo.com